RRPD Public Hearing Process


The Public Hearing process is designed to provide the public with an opportunity to convey their views on development applications. Public Hearings are open to all members of the public.

Persons who would like to participate in the Public Hearing are asked to complete the Sign-in Sheet provided at the back table. On that form, you are asked to indicate if you are registering in support of the application, in opposition to it, or for information only. By filling out this form you are also ensuring that you will receive notice of the Board’s decision. Please make sure that your name and address, including postal code, are completed in full and legible, otherwise you will not receive notification of the decision.

Generally, and unless otherwise directed by the Board, the RRPD planner will be heard first, followed by the applicant (or designate) and those in support of the application. Next, those registered in opposition are heard, followed by those registered for information. Finally, the applicant may return if he/she so desires, and speak in rebuttal. Please note that when your name is called, this is your opportunity to speak; however, you are not obligated to do so.

It is the Board’s goal to hear from everyone, but would ask each person to be as concise as possible. If your position or the information that you want to share with the Board is the same as other speakers before you, you can indicate this by identifying the key points of your position.

Of further note, the Board may establish reasonable time limits for representations at a public hearing. This is not the time for the Board to answer questions. The Board may also decline to hear presentations where it is satisfied that the matter has been adequately addressed.

All representations, verbal or written, made to the Board become part of the public record. If you have brought written materials to support your presentation, please provide a copy to the Planner for the official record. Submissions to the Board cannot be made following the conclusion of public representations.

After hearing representations, the Board may decide to either adjourn the matter or render its decision.

In the event the Board adjourns the hearing, it generally will announce the time, date and place of the reconvened hearing at the time of adjournment. If not, RRPD will give notice of this information on the RRPD web site.