
A variance is a deviation from the set of rules a municipality applies to land use and land development, typically a municipal zoning by-law.

Applications are processed by the RRPD and heard by the respective Municipal Council or Planning Commission. Approvals or rejections are determined on a case-by-case basis. Within a Zoning By-law, "Bulk Table" regulations are listed according to the zoning of a property. These regulations provide minimum, or, in some cases, maximum, requirements for building placement and size or regulate aspects of operation related to use. These include, but may not be limited to, setbacks from property lines, height, and size of structure or number of employees, hours of operation and exterior storage requirements.

In some circumstances, the quantity of structures allowed to be placed on a property is also determined by the Bulk Table regulations and/or the General Provisions. If a property owner wants to exceed these minimum or maximum requirements greater than 10%, approval must be granted through a zoning variation. Council may place any condition(s) subject to their approval.

If a property owner wants to exceed these minimum or maximum requirements less than 10%, approval may be granted by way of an “In-house” zoning variation.


Zoning Variance


Variance Application